Scrip Scan, Notifications

Scrip Sanctuaries for protection from the wildlife in this jungle of Indian Equities

Daily Bulletin (13th June, 2022)

Scrip code : 532959


Subject : Termination Of Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process Against Sikkim Hydro Power Ventures Limited, Wholly-Owned Subsidiary Of The Company

In continuation of the Company’s intimation dated 11th August, 2020 regarding admission of Sikkim Hydro Power Ventures Limited, wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company (‘SHPVL’) for Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (‘CIRP’) by the Hon”ble National Company Law Tribunal, New Delhi Bench (‘NCLT’) under Section 9 of the Insolvency And Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (‘IBC’), pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we inform you that based on an application under Section 12A of IBC moved by Mr. Devvart Rana, Resolution Professional (‘RP’) intimating the Hon’ble NCLT about the settlement of matter between the parties, clearance of all dues and fees, the Hon”ble NCLT has vide Order dated on 3rd June, 2022, terminated the CIRP proceedings, discharged the RP and allowed ex-management of SHPVL to take up the management of SHPVL.


Scrip code : 538778


Subject : Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Allotment

Intimation of Allotment of 6,88,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each on preferential basis to Mr. Sunil Kumar Malik, currently belonging to the Non-Promoter Category and have triggered open offer process under SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011 and after completion of open offer process, Mr. Sunil Kumar Malik & PAC shall become the Co-Promoter/joint promoter with exiting promoters of the Company, at a price of Rs. 38.00 (Rupees Thirty Eight only) per equity share aggregating to Rs. 2,61,44,000 (Rupees Two Crore Sixty One Lakhs and Forty Four Thousands only).


Scrip code : 540611

Name : AU Small Finance Bank Limited

Subject : Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Allotment

Pursuant to approval granted by the Shareholders vide Postal Ballot for issue of Bonus Shares on 29th May, 2022, we hereby inform that the Board of Directors of the Bank has approved the allotment of 31,50,93,233 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each as fully paid-up Bonus Equity Shares on 12th June, 2022, in the ratio of 1 (One) equity share of Rs. 10/- each for every 1 (One) equity shares of Rs. 10/- each held, to the eligible members whose name appear in the list of beneficial owners as on 10th June, 2022, being the record date fixed for this purpose. Pursuant to the above allotment, the revised paid-up equity capital of the Bank is enclosed. The Bonus shares shall be credited/dispatched latest by 24th June, 2022.


Scrip code : 500153

Name : Ganesh Benzoplast Ltd.,

Subject : Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Award_of_Order_Receipt_of_Order

Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we hereby inform you that GBL Infra Engineering Services Private Limited (GBL IES), a wholly owned subsidiary of Ganesh Benzoplast Limited (GBL), announces the receipt of its first prominent order worth Rs. 12.23 crore, from ANA Oleo Pvt Ltd to build Sixty (60) Liquid Storage tanks to be completed within a period of 9 months, for their Edible Oil Refinery project at Krishnapatnam Port, Andhra Pradesh. We are enclosing media release with additional details for our shareholders.


Scrip code : 500295

Name : Vedanta Limited

Subject : Vedanta Limited Inaugurates Its International Iron Ore Operations Through Its Subsidiary Western Cluster Limited, Liberia (”WCL”)

We wish to inform you that Vedanta Limited Iron & Steel sector has ventured into International Iron ore mining operations in Liberia, West Africa through its subsidiary WCL with the Ground-breaking ceremony that was held at the Bomi iron ore mine on June 08, 2022. WCL is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bloom Fountain Limited (‘BFL’) which is in turn a wholly owned subsidiary of Vedanta Limited. WCL had signed a Mineral Development Agreement with the Government of Liberia (‘GoL’) for three Iron Ore Mining concessions in Liberia namely Bomi, Bea, and Mano in 2011. However, the operations could not be started due to outbreak of Ebola epidemic. WCL is set to restart its operation in a much bigger way with further expansion potential through exploration. This is for your information and record.

Excerpts from Gaurav’s Blog

Losers Focus on Winners – Winners Focus on Winning   Workshop Conceptualised & Conducted by GAURAV A PARIKH Stock Markets ~ Minting Millions ~ TOP 10 Winning Moves Grabbing Short Term Too While Compounding Long Term Post Pandemic lock-down, this is the First Fundamental Direct Equity ‘Value Vs Price’ Workshop in over Two and a Half Years by Gaurav Parikh and Jeena […] The post Mumbai Equity Workshop ~ Saturday April 30 2022 ~ Almost Full ~ Top 10 Winning Moves first appeared on Gaurav's Blog. [...]

  Rest in Peace now Gerela Saab  ! Mr S T Gerela ex GM of BSE passed away peacefully this morning We had not met in years but he always remained at the top of my mind when it came to testimonials for this is what he had said to me over a decade ago,when […] The post RIP S T Gerela ex GM BSE ~ gave me the best compliment till date first appeared on Gaurav's Blog. [...]

Vedanta de-listing offer price Rs 87.50~Come on Mr Anil Agarwal ! Promoter Group of  Vedanta Ltd has proposed a voluntary de-listing at an indicative offer price of Rs 87.50~are the over 7.3 lakh minority shareholders from Alibag !? …apologies to the people of Alibag Some would term this as De-listing Duplicity ~ but I would […] The post Vedanta de-listing offer price Rs 87.50~Come on Mr Anil Agarwal ! first appeared on Gaurav's Blog. [...]

This is a Riskless Reliance Industries Rights Investment Strategy for those over 2.3 Million Shareholders already holding RIL shares. It is not a recommendation to buy RIL cum rights  It’s a no brainer yet I’m just penning a brief note because some have told me they hold Reliance but are skipping the Rights ! Don’t […] The post Riskless Reliance Industries Rights Investment Strategy first appeared on Gaurav's Blog. [...]

 Wealth is negotiable, Health is not Your Personal Well Being is more important that the Stock Market Well Being ~ Always & more so in this unfathomable ongoing Covid-19 Reality Above’s a three minute reach out by me last night to all connected with me to reinforce this .It’s also posted on Facebook , […] The post Covid-19 Crisis-Your Well Being is more important than Stock Market Well Being first appeared on Gaurav's Blog. [...]