1. Scrip code : 540108
Name : Tiaan Ayurvedic & Herbs Limited
Subject : Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Allotment
We wish to inform you that pursuant to the resolution passed by the shareholders, the Board of Directors of the Company has approved the allotment of 12,91,700 equity shares of ? 10/- each as fully paid up bonus equity shares on July 08, 2020, in the ratio of 1:4 that is 1 bonus equity share of Rs 10/- each for every 4 fully paid up equity shares to the members whose name appeared in the register of Members as on July 3, 2020, the record date fixed for the purpose. As part of the aforesaid allotment, 426 bonus equity shares representing fractional entitlement(s) of eligible Members have been consolidated and allotted to Mrs. Kajal Jain, (DIN 08129655) director of the Company as a trustee appointed by the Board. The trustee will sell such equity shares at the prevailing market rate as soon as possible and distribute the net sale proceeds, after adjusting the cost and expenses in respect thereof, among the eligible Members in proportion to their respective fractional entitlements.
2. Scrip code : 534309
Name : NBCC (India) Limited
Subject : Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Scheme of Arrangement
Sir, Pursuant to Part A of Schedule III of Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, it is hereby informed that the Board of Directors of NBCC (India) Limited, in their 478th Board Meeting held on July 6, 2020, approved the draft Scheme of Merger of NBCC International Limited and NBCC Environment Engineering Limited, wholly-owned subsidiaries, with NBCC (India) Limited (Holding Company). Detailed salient features are mentioned in the attachment.
3. Scrip code : 522108
Name : Yuken India Ltd.
Subject : Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Scheme of Arrangement
Compliance under Regulation 37(6) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for the proposed Scheme of Amalgamation of Yuflow Engineering Private Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, with the Company.