Begins with the Intriguing Prologue on Young and Blond, Henry Blodget, the Internet Stocks Wizard who went from Darling to Damned
Irrational Exuberance
Brilliant Research and Data Interpretation on House pricing that supported the development of a Theory of Bubbles… a theory that can be applied to any speculative market
Dirty Money BCCI: The Inside Story of the World’s Sleaziest Bank
True Story of how a Financial Institution turned into a haven for terrorist gangs, arms merchants, drug dealers and sleazy dictators…. how a criminal agenda laundered drug money, financed arm deals, peddled influence, bribed politicians, defrauded depositors and sponsored spies
Conspiracy of Fools A True Story
A Mind Boggling True Story of Enron… of the lies,scams and ineptitude behind the spectacular scandal that imperiled a presidency,destroyed a marketplace and changed Washington and Wall Street forever
Fool’s Gold
Were the bankers mad? Blind? Evil? Or were they simply grotesquely greedy? Well over a decade before the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008, bankers gathered for a legendary off site weekend that fueled derivative ideas that led to the biggest financial crisis since 1930s
The Black Swan
The Impact of the Highly Improbable…will change the way you look at the World…we fool ourselves into thinking we know more than we actually do
Winners Never Cheat
The Rationale that you have to cheat to stay competitive is a powerful lure.Moral Bankruptcy is the inevitable conclusion If you want to succeed nowadays,you have to make compromises.Right? Wrong
Perpetual War For Perpetual Peace : How we got to be so hated
Could it be that the greatest victim of the September 11th terror attacks will be American Liberty? “Once alienated” Vidal writes, “an ‘unalienable right’ is apt to be forever lost”
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
…about choices that appear to be made in an instant-in the blink of an eye-that actually aren’t as simple as they seem…Great Decision Makers are those who have perfected the art of “thin slicing”-knowing the very few things that matter
Every Man A King
Our Worst Enemy is Fear….Pessimism is Unprofitable….The Power of Cheerful Thinking is Immense