This Module will showcase a selection of Interesting Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), Book Reviews, Bulk Deals and Foreign Portfolio Investments.
It will also have a few impacting News and Notifications from and on SEBI, BSE and NSE Exchanges.
We have often sourced and initiated some of our Stock Select Ideas and even Companies to keep away from, from important and significantly impacting company notifications to the Exchanges and thus it’s worth keeping an eye on these. What really interests us is when such notifications throw up scenarios that involve potential non-linear earnings from significant new orders, de-listing, buyback, merger, demerger, acquisitions, amalgamations, diversification and NCLT Approved Resolution Plans.
Here you will find our coverage and perspective on domestic and global micro and macro matters that significantly impact and influence Capital Markets.
We pick significant contemporary, controversial and challenging issues to express our Viewpoint on. This could be in the nature of Market Meltdowns, Oil Shocks, Monetary Policies , Government Policies and the Union Budget. There is no fixed frequency though we try to release ten to fifteen such Standpoints in a year.
This Module covers our preliminary look at Companies and Sectors on our fundamental radar where we are keeping a watchful eye for both favourable and unfavourable developments.
Please do not mistake them for our SS 1 to SS 4 Stock Select Recommendations under our Paid Modules
The Frequency is very high and it will not be unusual to find over 100 Posts in a year in this Module.
Investors Beware! These companies can strangle and become huge wealth destroyers. Corporate Governance is merely on paper. Transparency, Correct Accounting Treatment and Disclosures are severely lacking and there’s a high probability of fraud by Promoters and Top Management.
Such Companies, more often than not, have a nexus in place which engineer huge share price manipulations to seduce the gullible and destroy the sanctity and credibility of Equity Markets