Overall, it was absolutely UNDERVALUED Workshop with massive value on table"
Thanks for the workshop….. try to make it available to other cities too. I came from Patna just for this training"
….All of us in bengaluru enjoyed your session. I already had a call from my friend IFA with a request to arrange a session for KAMFA [Karnataka Association For Mutual Fund Advisors]. We look forward to meet you again asap…. you were ROCKIN…..G… All the best"
Your presentation in Pune was very fantastic & the way you dealt confidently with the subject was really amazing. Well I had also started my career during Harshad Mehta time as a sub broker but had burnt my fingers in the HM & KP era . Hence had stopped from investing in stock markets, but by hearing you, got impressed to start a new inning"
Your Workshop is a better Wealth Creator than Insider Trading!”
….even those 7 hours seemed like few minutes as all of us were so engrossed in workshop time just flew by. Gaurav has his numbers / opinions/ facts right on fingers, has opinion on any stock that came into discussion. The biggest value I got from Gaurav’s workshop is it completely changed my perspective of looking at “Value”. I learned that Value needs to be looks with respect to the Price. Which enabled me to think is the value already been priced or not. Which is what he meant by ‘Value v/s Price’. Earlier I used to think of Value in isolation"
Another great learning was, Top Down approach of Picking the potential business. All the while I been doing a ‘Bottom-up’ approach but it was enlightening to see how does the three Is (Interest, Inflation, Interest) have impact on a certain Sector at a Point in time”
It was indeed a pleasure listening your views at the SAFE conference on the capital market…… it was lovely meeting you….. and knowing about your intellect and mastery in identifying value stocks and about your skills to impart training to large group of professionals.”

We enjoyed your presentation and ‘mind gums’…. I have a young team here who would love to get a session from you.”
Your presentation was very good !!!”
Overall, it was absolutely UNDERVALUED Workshop with massive value on table"
power packed Saturday that I shall never forget in my life”

Blown away”
Simply Great… Fantastic Programme… applaud your efforts to reach out the message to the retail mass…. God Bless"
Jeena Scriptech has become my Jaan”
Ur our Santa sir,as long as you’re with us no need of Santa”
Wonderful Workshop and the Speaker has an Amazing Knowledge on the subject and has made complex things very simple“
Finding a multi-bagger is nice, having someone like Gaurav Parikh guide you on the journey… Priceless!”
It was full of inspirations, filled with wisdom and lot of notes to take home. Thanks. I am really proud to be part of this wonderful session.”
Recreated Bengaluru Magic in Mumbai!”
One thing is sure. It is not for Money for u I am sure… I do attend paid workshops n never seen this type of welcome… I am sure now in investment if i get stuck up or I am looking for genuine help I am surely going to knock at your door”
...it was a super duper fun filled educational get-together...u rock”
...attend his workshops to learn how valuations operate, what might destroy your wealth and what companies could snowball your investment if you have courage and conviction”
Wonderful Workshop. Amazing Knowledge. Made Complex Things very Simple”
Always fortunate to attend… get motivated by your knowledge & the attitude you carry with… thanks for sharing your knowledge & helping people like me to grow better”

Simple &Superb... brought enthusiasm in us & made the environment contagious”
indeed, a great learning & educational experience…. totally luv your analysis of stocks…. looking forward to the next one”
knowledge sharing in a very structured manner”

Wonderful Workshop and the Speaker has an Amazing Knowledge on the subject and has made complex things very simple“
Eternally grateful”
…thought provoking Investment Seminar conducted in Gaurav’s inimitable style… Examined macro indicators, bases of valuation, critical data on a large slew of companies.”
…absolutely loved the workshop… demonstrated so convincingly the value in sound, fact based valuations. Personally, you’ve helped me make the mental leap from fear to confident investing, balanced by caution by keeping an eye on asset allocation. Very very grateful for that. The icing on the cake was your humour, incredible knowledge, ability to connect dots while connecting with people”
Every time I meet you I realise how much there is to learn from you”
You were at your best today & there were a suite of high value takeaway... your knowledge & experience of the markets & your way with numbers is truly exemplary”
let me know when your next program comes up”
your passion is really infectious & you have shown the right path to me”
would like to interact again whenever opportunity comes”
It was Super Gaurav, your skills at short listing, reading & understanding balance sheets are amazing”
Importantly the workshop was not boring...very lucky I got connected to you”
Really loved it & want to enrol for the next workshop too”

Indeed it was my fifth rocking Saturday that too in a row and obviously my personal stamp of approval to Gaurav Sir’s inimitable style of presenting fundamental concepts …Again Sir you Rocked & it was my fortune to attend your wonderful workshop… seeked everything for which I came …recreated the same old magic of Bangalore in Mumbai...great Saturday”