Shankara Building Products

Year FV CMP Market Cap  52 Week High 52 Week Low  Equity Capital Net Worth Long Term Debt Short Term Debt Total Sales PAT BV EPS P/E P/BV Promoter’s Holdings
Rs Rs Rs Cr. Rs Rs Rs Cr. Rs Cr. Rs Cr. Rs Cr. Rs Cr. Rs Cr. Rs. Rs %
Q 1 20 10 440 1005 1455 240 22.84 485.8 2.43 639.81 6.77 212.70 2.96 37.1 2.07 56.21
2019 10 368 841 569 240 22.84 479.03 2.43 192.69 2654.10 32.78 209.73 14.35 25.6 1.75 56.21
2018 10 526 1201 2095 487 22.84 455.69 0.85 241.96 2549.30 73.85 199.51 32.33 16.3 2.64 56.21
2017 10 1778 4061 2365 545 22.84 393.60 5.93 210.00 2310.40 60.20 172.33 26.36 67.5 10.32 56.21


Particulars  FY 19 FY 18 FY 17 
Rs. Cr. % Rs. Cr. % Rs. Cr. %
Shareholders’ funds
Share capital 22.84 2.1 22.84 1.9 22.8 2.4
Reserves and surplus 456.19 41.0 432.85 35.7 370.8 39.1
Minority Interest 0.06 0.01 0.06 0.005 0.04 0.004
Non-Current Liabilities
Long-term borrowings 2.43 0.2 0.85 0.1 5.93 0.6
Deferred tax liabilities (Net) 20.64 1.9 16.94 1.4 16.1 1.7
Other Long term liabilities 0.02 0.002 0.015 0.001 0.015 0.002
Long-term provisions 0.34 0.031 0.3 0.025 0.8 0.1
Current Liabilities
Short-term borrowings 192.69 17.3 241.96 20.0 210.1 22.2
Trade Payables 381.43 34.3 460.46 38.0 261 27.5
Other current liabilities 14.27 1.3 8.49 0.7 41.7 4.4
Other financial liabilities  16.7 1.5 18.9 1.6 0.0
Short-term provisions 1.96 0.2 0.95 0.1 18.6 2.0
Current tax liabilities (Net) 2.3 0.2 8.08 0.7
Total Current Liabilities  609.35 738.84 531.4
TOTAL 1111.9 100.0 1212.7 100.0 948 100.0
Non-current assets
Fixed Assets ( Tangibles) 225.2 20.25380208 272.57 22.48 244.97 25.84
Investment Property  7.05 0.634055527 0.13 0.01
Intangible Assets 6.61 0.594483267 10.35 0.85
Capital Work in Progress 4.25 0.382232055
Goodwill on consolidation 14.04 1.262714837 14.04 1.16 14 1.48
Trade receivables  3.95 0.355250969 3.14 0.26
Long-term loans and advances 14.82 1.332865661 17.95 1.48 13.92 1.47
Other non-current assets 1.39 0.125012366 2.61 0.22 4.19 0.44
Current assets  0
Inventories 382.94 34.44045724 415.7 34.28 279.4 29.48
Trade receivables  333.58 30.00116918 424.05 34.97 312.2 32.94
Cash and Bank balance 17.46 1.57029922 5.99 0.49 66.2 6.98
Other Financial assets 1.28 0.115119301 1.16 0.10
Short-term loans and advances 0 0.00 12.9 1.36
Other Current Assets 29.55 2.657636996 45 3.71 0.08 0.01
Current Tax asset (Net) 0.69 0.062056498
Non Current Assets Held for Sale 69.08 6.212844796
Total Current Assets  834.58 891.9 670.78
TOTAL 1111.9 100 1212.7 100.00 948 100.00



Ratio  Formula  FY 19 FY 18 FY 17
Solvency Ratios
Debt to Equity  Total debt/ Total Equity 0.41 0.53 0.55
Debt to Capital  Total Debt/Total Capital(Debt+ Equity) 0.29 0.35 0.35
Debt to Assets  Total Debt/Total Assets 0.18 0.20 0.23
Financial Leverage   Total Assets/  Total equity 2.32 2.66 2.41
Interest Coverage  EBIT/ Interest Payments
Fixed Charge coverage  (EBIT + Lease payments)/(intrest+lease payments)
Liquidity Ratios 
Current Ratio Current Assets/Current Liabilities 1.369623369 1.207162579 1.262288295
Quick Ratio (Cash+marketable securities+Receivables)/Current Liabilities 0.576089275 0.582047534 0.712081295
Cash Ratio (Cash+marketable securities)/Current Liabilities


FY 19 FY 18 FY 17
Particulars  Rs. Cr. % Rs. Cr. % Rs. Cr. %
Revenue from Operations (Gross) 2654.1 2548.66 2466.7
Less: Excise Duty -156.6
Revenue from Operations (Net) 2310.1
Other Income 4.42 0.64 0.286
TOTAL REVENUE  2658.5 100 2549.3 100 2310.4 100
Cost of materials consumed 1368.23 51.47 1276.44 50.07 1034.93 44.79
Purchases of Stock-in-Trade 987.82 37.16 1010.41 39.63 962.44 41.66
Changes in inventories 3.28 0.12 -88.28 -3.46 -17.98 -0.78
Employee benefits Expense 64.26 2.42 55.94 2.19 49.4 2.14
Finance Costs 56.6978 2.13 46.34 1.82 50.75 2.20
Depreciation and amortization Expense 18.62 0.70 13.59 0.53 11.4 0.49
Other expenses 111.06 4.18 118.94 4.67 126.974 5.50
TOTAL EXPENSES 2610 98.17 2433 95.45 2217.91 96.00
Profit before Taxation 48.6 1.83 116 4.55 92.5 4.00
Total Tax Expense  15.78 0.59 42.1 1.65 32.22 1.39
PROFIT AFTER TAX 32.8 1.23 73.8 2.90 60.25 2.61


Ratio  Formula  FY 19 FY 18 FY 17
Profitability Ratios
Net Profit Margin PAT/ Revenue 1.233 2.897 2.608
Return on Assets  Net Income/Total Assets 2.948 6.090 6.357
Return on Total Capital EBIT/Total Capital 7.202 16.596 15.169
Return on Equity Net Income/Total Equity 6.842 16.206 15.308

Daily Bulletin (9th October, 2019)

1.Scrip code : 540545
Name : Bhakti Gems And Jewellery Limited
Subject : Outcome of Board Meeting
Pursuant to the provision of Regulation 29 and Regulation 30 and other applicable regulations of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, this is to inform you that the Board of Directors of the Company at their meeting held on the 09th Day of October, 2019 at the registered office of the Company and transacted the following business- 1. Considered and approved allotment of 13,07,785 Bonus Shares.

2.Scrip code : 531548
Name : Somany Ceramics Limited
Subject : Board Meeting Intimation for Notice Of 260Th Meeting Of Board Of Directors
SOMANY CERAMICS LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 17/10/2019 ,inter alia, to consider and approve This is to inform you that pursuant to SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the 260th meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on Thursday, 17th October, 2019 at Noida, to inter-alia, consider and approve the following: Allotment of Equity Shares to the shareholders of Bhilwara Holdings Limited (BHL), Sarvottam Vanijya Limited (SVL) and Scope Vinimoy Private Limited (SVPL) (‘Transferor Companies’) in proportion of their respective shareholding in BHL, SVL and SVPL i.e. 1 (ONE) fully paid-up equity share of Rs. 2/- each of the Company for every 1(ONE) fully paid up equity share of Rs. 2/- each held by BHL, SVL and SVPL in the Company, pursuant to the Scheme of Amalgamation of Bhilwara Holdings Limited, Sarvottam Vanijya Limited and Scope Vinimoy Private Limited (‘Transferor Companies’) with Somany Ceramics Limited (Transferee Company) approved by National Company Law Tribunal, Kolkata Bench.

3.Scrip code : 532539
Name : Minda Industries Ltd.
Subject : Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Acquisition
This is to inform that the Board Committee at its meeting held October 7, 2019 has approved the acquisition of 100% equity capital of the Delvis Group at a transaction value Euro 21 million, subject to adjustment, if any, at closing. The Delvis Group comprises of Delvis GmbH and its two wholly owned subsidiaries viz Delvis Products and Delvis Solutions. The Delvis Group is engaged in automotive lighting design & engineering. The acquisition, is in line with strategy of the Company to maintain technology leadership in lighting products market in India. The transaction closing is subject to appropriate regulatory approvals. The estimated timeline for closure is 2 months.

4.Scrip code : 500338
Subject : Updates – Intimation Under Regulation 30 Of The SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015
Pursuant to Regulation 30 of SEBl (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we wish to inform you that the Company has acquired 62,500 equity shares representing 0.07% in the total paid-up equity share capital of Silica Ceramica Private Limited, a subsidiary of the Company (Silica). The balance 8,65,45,783 equity shares representing 99.93% of the total paid up equity share capital of Silica, are already held by the Company. Consequent to aforesaid acquisition Silica has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company effective October 9, 2019. The details required under Regulation 30 of SEBl (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 are given as an annexure. This disclosure is also available on the website of the Company. We request you to kindly note and take the above information on record.

5.Scrip code : 535789
Subject : Board Meeting Intimation for Intimation Of Board Meeting To Consider Proposal Of Buy-Back Of Equity Shares Of Indiabulls Housing Finance Limited (The Company) And Closure Of Trading Window
Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 14/10/2019 ,inter alia, to consider and approve Pursuant to Regulation 29 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we wish to inform that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on Monday, October 14, 2019, to consider, inter alia, the proposal of Buy-back of equity shares of the Company. We further wish to inform that in terms of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, and Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading of the Company, the Trading Window for dealing in securities of the Company which had been closed earlier, shall remain closed till 48 hours after the declaration of financial results for the quarter ended September 30, 2019.

6.Scrip code : 532832
Name : Indiabulls Real Estate Limited
Subject : Board Meeting Intimation for Intimation Of Board Meeting To Consider Proposal Of Buy-Back Of Equity Shares Of Indiabulls Real Estate Limited (The Company) And Closure Of Trading Window
INDIABULLS REAL ESTATE LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 11/10/2019 ,inter alia, to consider and approve Pursuant to Regulation 29 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we wish to inform that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on Friday, October 11, 2019, to consider, inter alia, the proposal of Buy-back of equity shares of the Company. We further wish to inform that in terms of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, and Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading of the Company, the Trading Window for dealing in securities of the Company which had been closed earlier, shall remain closed till 48 hours after the declaration of financial results for the quarter ended September 30, 2019.

7.Scrip code : 532960
Name : Indiabulls Ventures Limited
Subject : Board Meeting Intimation for Intimation Of Board Meeting To Consider Proposal Of Buy-Back Of Fully Paid-Up Equity Shares Of Indiabulls Ventures Limited (The Company) And Closure Of Trading Window.
Indiabulls Ventures Limitedhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 11/10/2019 ,inter alia, to consider and approve Pursuant to Regulation 29 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we wish to inform that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on Friday, October 11, 2019, to consider, inter alia, the proposal of Buy-back of fully paid-up equity shares of the Company. We further wish to inform that in terms of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, and Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading of the Company, the Trading Window for dealing in securities of the Company which had been closed earlier, shall remain closed till 48 hours after the declaration of financial results for the quarter ended September 30, 2019.

8.Scrip code : 500304
Name : NIIT Ltd., Subject : Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Newspaper Publication
This is in continuation to our letter dated October 7, 2019 informing publication of public announcement in terms of Regulation 7 of SEBI (Buyback of Securities) Regulations, 2018, in respect of Proposed buyback of up to 26,800,000 fully paid-up equity shares of the Company of face value INR 2/- each (‘Equity Shares’) at INR 125/- per Equity Share for an aggregate amount not exceeding INR 3350 million (‘Buyback’), in Financial Express (an English national daily newspaper) and Jansatta (a Hindi national daily newspaper) both with wide circulation in Delhi (Delhi being the state where our Registered Office is situated), on October 7, 2019. On account of public holidays in Kolkata, Public Announcement is being published in Kolkata edition on October 10, 2019. In this regard, please find attached herewith copy of the newspaper publications for your record.

9.Scrip code : 532541
Name : NIIT Technologies Limited
Subject : Corporate Action-Board to consider Dividend
Intimation of consideration of declaration of interim dividend at the upcoming Board meeting on October 23, 2019.

10.Scrip code : 534309
Name : NBCC (India) Limited
Subject : Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Directorate This is to inform that the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs vide its Office Order No. 0-17034/31/2019-PS, dated October 7, 2019, has conveyed the approval of the Competent Authority for appointment of Shri P. K. Gupta, Executive Director, RITES to the post of Chairman & Managing Director (CMD), NBCC (India) Limited with effect from the date of his assumption of charge of the post till September 30, 2023 i.e. the date of his superannuation, or until further orders, whichever is earlier. Accordingly Shri P. K. Gupta (DIN-07698337) has assumed the charge of the post of Chairman & Managing Director (CMD), NBCC (India) Limited w.e.f October 7, 2019. (A/N) Henceforth, Shri Shiv Das Meena ceased to hold the additional charge of Chairman & Managing Director, NBCC (India) Limited w.e.f. October 7, 2019. (A/N) It is hereby confirmed that Shri P. K. Gupta is not debarred from holding the office of director by virtue of any SEBI order or any other such authority.

Listed Retail Companies


Listed Retail Companies
FV CMP 52 W High 52 W Low Market Cap Equity Net Worth Debt Sales Net Profit EPS BV P/E P/BV
Rs Rs Rs Rs Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Rs Rs
Avenue Supermarts 10 1,828.95 1,944.00 1,126.95 114142 624 5911 317 5826 323 5.18 94.71 88.33 19.31
10 1,828.95 624 5587 317 20053 902 14.46 89.53 126.48 20.43
Aditya Birla Fashions 10 208.30 236.45 168.3 16115 774 1450 1198 2083 22 0.28 18.74 747.58 11.11
10 208.30 774 1429 1198 8183 321 4.15 18.47 50.18 11.28
Arvind Fashions Ltd 4 431.95 1,084.80 415.1 2535 23 1034 791 902 (95) (16.44) 178.28 2.42
4 431.95 23 1129 791 4648 17 2.86 194.73 150.83 2.22
Future Enterprises Ltd 2 19.65 44.65 18.25 840 99 4277 6545 1424 (11) (0.21) 86.66 0.23
2 19.65 99 4287 6545 6065 145 2.94 86.87 6.69 0.23
Future Consumer Ltd 6 23.25 76.8 20.55 169 1144 975 759 1053 (15) (0.08) 5.11 4.55
6 23.25 1144 990 759 3912 (7) (0.04) 5.19 4.48
Future Retail 2 375.00 574 372.1 18847 101 4006 2554 5197 159 3.17 79.70 118.36 4.70
2 375.00 101 3847 2554 20356 727 14.47 76.54 25.92 4.90
Mandhana Retail 10 12.20 47.6 9.3 27 22 67 8 46 0 0.15 30.42 79.54 0.40
10 12.20 22 67 8 222 (1) (0.27) 30.27 0.40
Shoppers Stop 5 412.20 559.9 338.6 3627 44 915 32 856 (0) (0.01) 103.94 3.97
5 412.20 44 915 32 3597 65 7.38 103.95 55.82 3.97
Spencer Retail Ltd. 5 69.00 230 58.4 549 40 546 0 610 (2) (0.31) 68.61 (223.08) 1.01
5 69.00 40 548 0 2215 2 0.30 68.92 229.20 1.00
Trent 1 503.05 528.25 313 17883 33 1684 394 824 38 1.13 50.68 444.85 9.93
1 503.05 33 1647 394 2671 97 2.92 49.55 172.40 10.15
V2 Retail 10 136.90 374 89.6 466 34 307 10 203 11 3.36 90.04 40.76 1.52
10 136.90 34 295 10 758 20 6.01 86.68 22.76 1.58
V-Mart Retail 10 1,928.00 2,903.90 1,698.30 3500 18 427 0 455 18 9.71 235.45 198.60 8.19
10 1,928.00 18 409 0 1440 62 33.99 225.74 56.72 8.54
Company Data
Jeena Scriptech Research